Friday, June 28, 2013


 Well today my two younger sisters, my wonderful mom, and I ventured out to the park for a picnic earlier today. At the park there's a stream of muddy water. Every time we visit the stream we try to catch some sort of tiny critters. Today we were lucky, which I thought. 

My sister spotted something moving in the water. That made us all JUMP with EXCITEMENT! So, we then started poking what my sisters thought was a frog. We noticed it moved and we saw pinchers. We all then realized that it was a crawfish or crawdad. We wanted to catch this weird little muddy creature. 

Long story short, after almost forty-five minutes we all managed with our mom's help finally catch this little booger. We were so excited to catch this thing that we wanted to take a picture with it. So I went to go take it from my mom. 

After we took the pictures, I noticed there were crawling wiggly things on the crawfish. We realized that this mudbug were infested with creepy crawly worms!!!! Ick, yuck we tossed it back into the stream. After that I felt something craw on me!!! Freaked me out and then it was time to leave the park. 

~J.v.J Sisters

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